Back to Slackware


1 min read

When I studied in college as a graduated student, the professor will help us to build a linux machine for running numerical computations. During that time, the so-called "Linux" generally means "Slackware".

After that, I spend most of time in Debian, Ubuntu or other derived distributions, until February this year when I found out Slackware 15 is coming out, I think it is the proper time for going back to it.

This installation is easy(although it is text based), when it is done, I need to test the new system according my daily needs. First, use neofetch to show system information:


As a developer, I write a lot of Java and Python programs, so I need intellij IDEA and pycharm:


Almost everything has been containerized, Docker is a must:


WFH lets everyone have to communicate with other people online, Slackware can support necessary softwares and hardwares:


Document writing and Asian character input are important to me:


After my first month coming back to Slackware, so far so good, it is solid stable and can do anything I want it to do . Hardware support is surprising good, even my wifi dongle can be automatically detected. Hope you will like it too.